The developer of Power Rangers: Legacy Wars has found a buyer. It is being acquired for $7.69 million by publisher Animoca Brands.

The publisher will pay $1.94 million in cash. Another $5.75 million in shares. To make the acquisition, Animoca Brands took out a loan in the amount of $ 1.7 million.

At the same time, the transaction has not yet been closed. First, it must be approved by the shareholders.

It is expected that Animoca Brands, along with nWay, will also take over its multiplayer cross-platform service — nWayPlay. Legacy Wars and ChronoBlade were created on its basis. The project is still being tested, but has already generated revenue of $6.98 million, according to .

It should also be noted that the main game hit of nWay — a mobile fighting game on “Mighty Rangers” — has been downloaded more than 50 million times.

Hong Kong-based Animoca Brands has expanded its list of assets in recent years. It includes the authors of the Finnish Crazy Kings, and the Gamma company, which developed the GammaNow computing engine, and The Sandbox blockchain platform.

The publisher itself is partly owned by Atari, which became its strategic shareholder last year.

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