What is the fundamental difference between the male and female audience of mobile games, in their latest study, the analysts of Harris Interactive found out.

According to their survey, which affected 880 mobile players:

  • Men play better in projects where it is necessary to compete with other players;
  • The social component in mobile games is less important for women than for men. They are less inclined to share their game results, do not swear so often about bugs in games and do not really like to report problems in passing;
  • At the same time, women like free-to-play more than men. 84% of women prefer such games. Among men, only 77% of respondents prefer f2p. Only 27% of women and 40% of men are ready to pay for games.

Based on all this, analysts recommend:

  • Pay equal attention to the high score table and achievement collections when developing games. For example, women are often more interested in collecting achievements than in getting into the top players;
  • If the game is aimed at a female audience, it should definitely be free.

Source: http://www.geekwire.com
