Maxim Samorukov, who heads the development at the Moscow studio Crazy Panda, officially announced the launch of his own DataMagic service. The novelty is positioned as a more affordable competitor to App Annie and SensorTower.

What can the service do?

At the moment, the functionality of the service is inferior to competitors, but it has one key feature – its own wizard, which allows you to create comparative reports.

The user can compare several applications or companies on the same chart by parameters such as:

  • income for the selected period;
  • number of downloads for the selected period;
  • the ratio of revenue to downloads (reflects the quality of monetization);
  • position in the top downloads for the selected period;
  • position in the cash top for the selected period.

For example, you have an interest in how successful the builders are relative to each other in the Russian market. According to the cash top, you choose three top construction simulators, and then display them on one graph in DataMagic.

Revenue of SimCity BuildIt, Dragon Mania and The Tribez in January 2018 on the Russian market (App Store, Google Play)
So you can find out how much the developers of each project earned from it in a particular region for a selected period of time.

Revenue in the service, according to Maxim, “is displayed minus platform commissions and mandatory taxes, which are deducted by platforms before payment to the developer.”

You can output results by platform, country, group of countries, region, or all over the world at once.

How much is it?

The functionality of DataMagic is divided into free and paid. The difference is in access to revenue and downloads data. Without payment, the service will only show graphs on the dynamics of the position in the top downloads and cash top. The monthly subscription to the service is currently $120.

Samorukov clarifies that he is ready to provide the service for free if companies are ready to open data on downloads/income to the service. However, not everyone, “but only publishers who have achieved some success: the amount of monthly income and the total number of installations for all applications should exceed 100,000 per month.”

You can also compare the sales dynamics of leading companies with Russian roots over the past year (monthly income is displayed at the bottom, not for the selected period)
The startup is doing this because it now needs additional clarifying data on applications.

“The revenue and downloads model is not currently as accurate as possible for the Top 100 apps. Otherwise, the average error is at the level of well–known competitors,” Maxim notes.

Development prospects

DataMagic developers are planning to add a number of new features this spring. Among the most interesting:

  • genre analysis — the ability to compile a selection of applications by genre or setting in a few seconds and compare them on the same chart;
  • a tool for identifying softlonches from major publishers;
  • a tool for identifying fast-growing applications (by region, platform, genre).

Source: DataMagic
