At the "Gaming Industry" conference, Alexander Vasiliev, a partner manager at Yandex's ad network, spoke. He highlighted six common mistakes that mobile game developers make during the ad monetization phase of their apps.

Alexander Vasiliev at the "Gaming Industry" conference

Mistake #1: Using only one ad network

Many developers think one ad network is enough — monetization is going well, so everything is fine. But Vasiliev believes this approach is inefficient. As he explains, using a single ad network makes the app owner dependent on its preferences and demands. In this case, the ad network can do whatever suits it because any ad display will be with it.

Adding additional ad networks creates competition. Networks have to work harder to secure a particular display, resulting in better performance and higher bids. This leads to an overall increase in revenue.

However, using too many ad networks is also not advisable. The app simply won’t work properly. You need to find an optimum. When choosing ad networks, Vasiliev recommends considering:

  • The geography of the displays;
  • The advertiser base;
  • Ad formats;
  • CPM.

Vasiliev also advises using mediation platforms that allow you to get and show ads from various ad networks.

Mistake #2: Not updating the SDK

Vasiliev believes that regularly updating the SDK should not be neglected, even if it seems everything works fine without it — ads are displayed, users are satisfied, and there are no crashes. The thing is, the ad displays in the app are just the tip of the iceberg. Ultimately, everything should be arranged so that advertisers who have joined the network get their desired conversions. In Russia, most advertisers work based on the CPA (cost per action) strategy — they are interested in app installs, website visits, purchases, or other specific actions. The ad network is interested in making that conversion happen, so each new version of the SDK has new methods designed to boost conversions. Higher conversion rates on platforms then reflect in increased bids.

Additionally, SDK updates fix bugs, enhance software reliability, and add new useful tools. They also ensure compliance with new App Store and Google Play policies and rules if necessary.

Mistake #3: Not caching ads

Occasionally, app owners create situations in their games where a black screen with a loading circle replaces the ads. According to Vasiliev, in such cases, most users simply close the app and move on to play something else, resulting in lower ad revenue. Sometimes, players are willing to wait, but their interest and loyalty to the project decrease.

The solution is to have a cache of creatives for the entire life cycle of a gaming session, ensuring there is always something to show the user during the allotted ad time. To understand the optimal number of creatives, monitor the Show Rate metric (ratio of the number of displays to the number of ad picks). For example, if there are a hundred creatives in reserve and the user exits the game after seeing only two of them, the rate will be 2%. This is very low. A relatively good level is considered to be a Show Rate of 20%. If it’s below this, the caching algorithms need to be reviewed. According to Vasiliev, achieving 100% is practically impossible.

Mistake #4: Blocking too many ad categories

Another mistake Vasiliev highlights is the decision to show in-app ads only in categories directly related to the game's theme. For example, displaying only car-related ads in racing games. It’s important to understand that user interests are much broader.

Showing everything indiscriminately is also not advisable. At the very least, block ads from direct competitors. Also, do not display adult ads in children’s games.

Mistake #5: Using inappropriate ad formats

The main ad formats in games are banners, full-screen ads, and rewarded ads. When using these, it is essential to carefully consider the initialization methods, Vasiliev advises. This affects user engagement and loyalty, and consequently, monetization. For instance, if ads interrupt gameplay too often, the user may get annoyed and delete the app. Also, avoid placing ads on registration, thank you, and error pages or over interface/control elements.

According to Vasiliev, good places for ads are pages where players spend more than three seconds. These spots can be identified using tools like AppMetrica or Firebase.

When choosing an ad format, Vasiliev recommends considering the app’s theme and user behavior. Appropriate formats can be determined through A/B testing.

Mistake #6: Not using app-ads.txt

app-ads.txt is a certificate where app owners list authorized ad networks and sellers. Its use is an industry standard. Ignoring it may cause some advertisers to refuse to cooperate.

It’s important to keep the file updated to maintain a connection between additional advertisers that the ad network may attract and the app.
