Kenshoo company spoke about the key indicators of game promotion within the social network Instagram.

Instagram - дорогой способ пиарить игры

As he writes according to Kenshoo representatives, the prices and figures for the promotion of “games of genres such as casino, RPG, strategy, sports and three-in-a-row” are as follows:

  • CTR: 2.32%
  • CPI: $4.17
  • CPC: $0.36
  • PM: $6.22
    Our British colleagues compare these figures with the figures of the promotion of games on Facebook provided by the Nanigans advertising platform:

  • CTR: 0.65%
  • CPC: $0.80
  • CPM: $5.17

They also make a comparison with the latest Chartboost data on all channels for user acquisition:

  • iOS average CPI in the US: $2.23
  • iPad average CPI in the US: $2.59
  • iPhone average CPI in the USA: $2.04
  • Amazon average CPI in the US: $1.78

So it turns out that compared to Facebook, the prices are adequate, but, of course, much higher than the market average.

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