
Which advertising is most popular among mobile game developers, and which monetization methods are better not to use, VentureBeat told in its latest research.

The publication conducted a survey of 176 developers with a total portfolio of 1,100 released games that sold 300 million downloads and earned more than $ 600 million. According to its results, the publication found out that respondents prefer to monetize games using Interstitial (full-screen banners). Also, most use a shareware distribution model with support for in-game payments.


The most successful developers resort to the help of advertising platforms that place video ads (in priority Vungle and AdColony), which generate a high eCPM.


The most annoying ways of monetization were named: banner advertising, advertising on the lockscreen, as well as links to real products.


And, as the authors of the study noted, if developers want to make a lot of money, they do not use Google ads. Experienced teams that have released more than 20 projects, have a staff of more than 20 employees and earn more than $ 50,000, according to the survey, as a rule, use other methods of monetization.

A source: http://venturebeat.com/VentureBeat is a major American information resource with a monthly audience of 7.5 million unique visitors, dedicated, as the website itself says, to “disruptive innovations and explaining why they are so important in our lives.”

Highlights technical innovations and trends and reveals their business component.
