The document is called “Lifetime Value: the main metric of the project”. The paper examines in detail what methods of calculating LTV exist and what are the pros and cons of each approach.

In addition, she answers traditional questions like “why do you need to know this metric” and “what indicators does it affect”.

Sample page
The author of the manual is Vasily Sabirov, a leading analyst at devtodev.

He positions his work as a book. “Lifetime Value: the main metric of the project” is a very compact book. It has 33 pages. Its brevity is compensated by a large number of formulas and tables.

You can download the work here.

devtodev is an analytical platform specializing in the operation of data in mobile games. The headquarters of the service is located in Vilnius.

Also on the topic:

  • devtodev has published a guide to stock analysis in games

A source: devtodev
