
On August 12, 2014, a series of free webinars Zenna Apps and App2top will start, the main theme of which will be an integrated approach to the promotion of mobile applications. 

Inna Zaichenko, CEO of Zenna Apps, will share her experience. She will talk about product and “supportive” marketing and user purchase.

The topic of the first webinar is “Strategic Marketing: how to choose the right path?”. 

It will address the following issues:

  • What is strategic marketing and how to distinguish it from conventional marketing?
  • Possible marketing paths. 
  • Is “The only right way” a myth or does it exist?
  • Cases: How do tops do it? 

Also, everyone can send their mobile game or applications and get expert recommendations on promotion in real time.

You will need to send the game by August 4 to the address hello@zennaapps.com

To register for the webinar, write to alexander.semenov@nevosoft.ru with a note in the topic “Recording for the Zenna Apps webinar” (so far, a maximum of 120 people, but we will try to have a broadcast). 

We will definitely write about the details of the event.

As part of a series of webinars (10 of them are planned), all the features and stages of the promotion of games and applications will be analyzed in detail, from the choice of strategy, methods of conquering the tops to the mechanics of increasing sales in the post-lunch period. All topics can be found below:

  1. Strategic Marketing: how to choose the right path? Monetization and budgeting: Confession practice.
  2. The basis of the basics: Application analytics
  3. Have you started ASO yet?
  4. Exit to the TOP: rushed!
  5. PR: 9 circles of hell
  6. Community Management and you: User’s Guide
  7. Video: Ganga-style
  8. Increase in sales: we multiply profits.
  9. User care or technical support? 

As you can see, it will be interesting for everyone, and especially for developers and publishers of mobile applications and games, specialists in digital and mobile promotion and monetization.
