The social company is giving up 5% of its staff, closing several internal studios and ceasing support for 13 projects, the founder of Zynga said.

Such serious cuts, according to analysts, are associated with the desire to minimize costs on the eve of the quarterly financial report, which will be widely available today. 

Zynga is firing most of its employees from its Austin division responsible for the development of The Ville, a copy of The Sims Online project published and created by EA. 

It is curious, but, despite not the best indicators, the project itself is not being curtailed yet. His support is given into the hands of an Indian studio, and the budget is severely cut. 

Other games of the company were much less lucky. Zynga founder and CEO Markus Pincus has officially announced that the company is ending support for as many as 13 titles. 

The company is also dissolving Zynga Boston, known for Indiana Jones Adventure World, Zynga Japan, as well as all its studios located in the UK.

In total, as a result of the cuts, about 160 people will be on the street. There are rumors that the closure of the Chicago division is also planned soon.

Curiously, this news came yesterday during Apple’s presentation of its new devices. Many joke that the time was not chosen by chance. They say that Zynga hoped that against the background of loud announcements, the news about the cuts would pass quietly.
