Today, Verizon, one of the largest American telecommunications companies, announced that it will suspend support and development of its own Verizon Apps digital store from January 1.

In December, users will be billed for all paid subscriptions and iAP purchases, as for access to them, it has already been blocked. However, those users who were subscribed to something earlier will be able to use the purchased services until January 1. 

The process of removing the store from all compatible Android and RIM devices will be completed much later – only in the spring of 2013. Verizon expects to finish it by March 27. By the same time, the company plans to pay off the developers.

The reasons for the closure of the store are unknown. According to Verizon itself, this is part of the company’s new strategy related to the AppLuvr service, which promotes applications among the operator’s customers using Android smartphones. 

Verizon representatives in an official press release urge users of their app store not to get upset, since “most of the Verizon Apps programs are already available for download on Google Play, Amazon and BlackBerry App World.”
