The key features of midcore games, why Fishlabs went bankrupt, when Line is going to the stock exchange, what are the volumes of the mobile games market – about this and much more in our weekly digest. 

Mechanics of midcore games: Part 1Mikhail Katkoff has launched a series of articles dedicated to midcore.

Today we are publishing a slightly revised version of the first material, it is dedicated to game cycles in midcore projects.

Line plans to enter the stock exchangeOne of the world’s largest messengers has announced plans to enter the stock market relatively soon.

Fishlabs was led to bankruptcy by the transition from paid to f2pThe other day, the executive director of Fishlabs, Michael Schade, gave an interview to Pocket Gamer, in which he explained what led the company to bankruptcy, why the studio went to him.

How much does it cost to develop a mobile free-2-play game?Chris Carvalho, COO of Kabam, told about this at the GMIC event held in San Francisco the other day.

Presentation: how to work with devtodev?A few days ago, a presentation of the analytical tool devtodev was held in Moscow.

Just below is a text version of the report, which was read at the event by Maria Paskevich, an analyst of the service.

Exclusive: Interview with TrademobLast week we started a series of materials about companies selling traffic.

A sequel is coming out today. This time we talked to Trademob.

Supercell believes that the mobile market does not need publishers yetAt the recent GamesBeat 2013 conference in California, Kristian Segarstrale, a member of the board of Supercell and one of the founders of Playfish, said that there is no need for publishers in the mobile market at the moment.

There are 966 million mobile players in the worldApplift and Newzoo spoke about the current state of the mobile games market and what awaits it in the next three years.

Domestic and global trends in the development of the mobile industryOne of the leaders of the Runet The Group and the world-renowned research company Nielsen Holdings N.V. conducted a joint analysis of the mobile industry in Russia and the world.

App Annie: iOS and Android statistics for Q3 2013App Annie employees have published the results of the latest App Annie Market Index report for the third quarter of 2013.

The document compares in detail the revenues and the number of downloaded mobile programs in various countries, stores and categories. The authors of the report also tried to identify the main trends that are currently unfolding in the market.
