How much can a Clash of Clans clone earn, who is now on the crest of success in stores, whether it is necessary to cooperate with Kakao in Korea – about this and much more in the selection of the best materials for the past week. 

How much can a Clash of Clans clone earn?Startup Space Ape Games shared its first successes: their game Samurai Siege earns about $ 50 thousand a day with a DAU of 200 thousand users.

Gaming Markets: China vs. USAAnalysts at Frank N. Magid Associates compared the penetration of games in the US and China markets.

As it turned out, in China this parameter reached a whopping 84%, while in America it was only 69%.

Softbank has bought a controlling stake in SupercellJapanese telecommunications company Softbank has acquired a 51% stake in Supercell for a huge sum of $ 1.5 billion.

Rovio has introduced Angry Birds Go!Finnish developers have presented a mobile racing free-to-play game that looks like Mario Kart.

Wooga: Facebook is responsible for half of the revenue from our gamesIn an interview with PocketGamer, Wooga’s CEO Jens Begemann admitted that 50% of the company’s revenue still comes from Facebook.

The next big market is the Middle EastIn three years, the Istanbul-based gaming startup has raised $30 million, and the total number of its daily users (DAU) across all platforms has reached almost 12 million.

Distimo: Global Application Tops (September 2013)Yesterday Distimo presented the Top Global Apps report for September.

According to the figures given in it, revenue from Google Play has grown significantly over the past six months.

Ads appeared on mobile OdnoklassnikiSince October 16, advertising banners have appeared in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki and the mobile application of the same name, Vedomosti reports.

Exclusive: Kakao is not the same anymore?Does Kakao’s support give an increase in box office figures in South Korea?

App2Top was being analyzed, inspired by the Pocket Gamer material.

Exclusive: Interview with Game Insight about working with KakaoIn early October, 2020: My Country was released in South Korea with the support of Kakao.

In connection with the release, we contacted Daria Trushkina, Vice president of business Development at Game Insight, who spoke about her experience working with Kakao and the Korean market.
