Apple still allowed Big Fish Games to release Big Fish Casino in the UK – the first mobile gambling game for real money.

A couple of weeks ago, we already wrote about the plans of the casual giant, known in the gaming market for its “hopa games”, to enter the British market with a game with real bets. And, if you remember, doubted that Apple would give the go-ahead for this. 

As it turned out, they doubted in vain. Yesterday it became known that the project was successfully launched. And in many ways, this is not even the merit of Big Fish itself, but of its British partners from Betable, who created a service of the same name that allows developers to implement a game for money into their applications. 

All payments will go through iTunes, and Apple will receive its 30% from each of them, as usual.

In other countries, Big Fish Casino has been available since August 16. Only here without betting on real “greens”.
