PayPal may soon become one of the acceptable means of payment for goods in the Android Market app store. Of course, rumors about this step by Google have been going around for a long time, but recently they have received more real grounds.

Recently lit up and has already begun to appear on some Android Market 3.3.11 devices, it contains mentions of PayPal in its code. In the .apk file of the new Android Market app store, a number of lines are seen indicating the payment system. Thus, the possibility of paying with PayPal may soon become a reality.

To date, the possible payment options for paid applications in the Android Market are the Google Checkout system or self-entry of bank card data, which is not always convenient and takes time. In addition, these payment methods do not always function well enough, causing a wave of indignation among both users and developers. Thanks to the adoption of the PayPal system, Google plans to significantly stimulate demand in the market for paid applications for the Android platform, as well as attract a large number of new users who have simply ignored paid products until now.

At the same time, Google enters into partnership agreements with operators to use their accounts to pay for applications, so PayPal support is a reasonable step that is designed to increase the revenue of developers and Google itself.

However, so far the search giant has not made any official statements about this.

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