Our colleagues from Kanobu.ru we have published tips on how to behave at an interview – in case you are going to make a career in the gaming industry.

Almost all of them are universal. For example, any sane recruiter will advise you to collect information about the company where the applicant is going to get a job.

From the recommendations that are present in abundance on any job-seeking site, these differ in the presence of specific examples and analysis of the most common mistakes in relation to the Russian gaming industry.

“In other areas, for example, banking, candidates from competing companies are treated calmly. In the gaming world, each studio considers itself special. If, for example, you go to Nival, they will definitely ask you how you feel about the “Blitzkrieg”. After your answer “What is it?” the conversation will end instantly.”


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It has been operating since May 2007.
