At the International Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, Rovio announced an increase in the official partner base. Now it has more than 500 companies.

Among the new partnership agreements signed by Rovio are the joint production of accessories for mobile and console games with PowerA, “storage and water tanks” with Thermos, candy vending machines with Pez, multivitamins for children with Natrol, as well as inflatable products and Halloween costumes together with Gemmy Industries.

In addition, the company paid special attention to such novelties of its brand as the expected release of the game Angry Birds Go! and the appearance of a new character – the pink bird Stella.

That is, while many foreshadow Rovio’s slow death, the company is increasing its presence in retail, striving to cover the maximum number of product names. Recently, we recall, it became known about the appearance of fishing hooks under the Angry Birds brand.

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