RIM will release a new version of its mobile platform for tablets. It promises support for Android applications and its own email client.  

Canadians from Research in Motion, despite numerous rumors related to the loss of leading positions in the American market and the company’s losses, are not going to leave the arms race in the tablet computer market. 

Today, the company is preparing to introduce a new version of the axis – PlayBook OS 2.0. Last night RIM sent out an advertising brochure to all its partners, revealing in detail what awaits us in it.

1. Official email client

The main thing for which the first version of this operating system was scolded was the lack of its own email client. RIM took into account the criticism: the PlayBook OS 2.0 will have it. And not only him – the contact book and calendar have also finally been included. Moreover, they can be closely integrated with sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Linkedln. 

2. Android apps

The second major “stone in the garden” of the PlayBook was a modest assortment of products in the original app store. The Canadians solved this problem in an interesting way: they added an Android application emulator, which, according to the developers, will allow running about 70% of programs originally made for the Google platform.

3. Bridge 2.0

Recall that the PlayBook can only access the network using wi-fi. The Bridge service was originally necessary so that the tablet could connect to the Internet via a smartphone. In the second version of the service, which, by the way, is already available to owners of the company’s phones, the device synchronization capabilities have expanded. Now a smartphone from RIM, for example, can be used as a tablet control panel. 

Also, Research in Motion promises that thanks to the new OS, the PlayBook will increase performance.
