We have collected all the terms related to the marketing of mobile applications in one way or another in one article, which we present to your attention. We have accompanied each term with a detailed description. 

Ad impression – literally “advertising display”, in this context we mean a single demonstration of the banner to the user in a particular application

Ad network is an advertising network that offers publishers/developers its services for promotion and earnings. As a rule, it either places an advertising banner of your application in “other people’s” projects (in this case, you pay), or turns ads for other applications in your project (then they pay you). 

ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) – average revenue per user. It is calculated quite simply: it is necessary to divide the entire income by the number of users.

ARPPU (Average Revenue Per Paying User) – average revenue per paying user. It is calculated a little more complicated: all income must be divided by the number of paying users.

CPC (Cost Per Click) – cost per click. There are several types of advertiser’s work with an advertising agency. One of them is to pay for each click on an advertising banner.

CPA (Cost Per Action) – the cost of an action performed by the user. What kind of action it is (download the application, reach a certain level in the game, register, etc.) is determined by the advertiser, its cost is assigned by advertising networks. For example, when paying for an action, a banner with an advertisement can be displayed to any number of users, and no matter how many of them click on the banner, the advertiser will pay only when the user performs the designated action.

CPI (Cost Per Install) – the price per installation (a special case of CPA). The advertising network receives money only if the user has installed the advertiser’s application.

CPM (Cost Per Mile / Cost Per Thousand) – cost per thousand impressions. The advertiser pays the advertising network regardless of the number of clicks or installations – simply for the fact that the banner flashed before the eyes of various users a thousand times.

CTR – (Click Through Rate) – clickability, i.e. the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage. Allows you to evaluate how well the banner is made.

Cross-promotion – cross-promotion. As a rule, it is carried out on a non-monetary basis. The developer / publisher of the application advertises it in his other projects (maybe with banners, or maybe just mentions in descriptions). There may be an option when publishers agree and advertise each other’s projects. 

DAU (Daily Active Users) – the number of unique users who have logged into the application at least once during the day.

Direct Deals – direct sales. They imply a deal between an advertiser and a publisher without the participation of an advertising network. They often lead to cross-promotion.

eCPM (Effective Cost Per 1000 Impression) is the revenue generated from 1000 impressions. Allows the advertiser to estimate the average cost of traffic received, for example, from a banner.

FAAD is an abbreviation of the name of one of the most popular offer services – Free App A Day. It is often used to refer to all services of this type.

IAP (In App Purchase) – a purchase made by the user inside the app; in-game purchase. It is understood as the purchase of virtual items from the application for real money.

Incentive Installs – stimulating downloads. The user is asked to download the advertised application, in return offering bonuses in the application that he is currently using.

Interstitial is a full–screen advertising banner that is displayed before launching the application.

Keyword is a keyword by which a user can find your application in a particular store. For example, in iTunes Connect, the developer can register them in a special field. 

Loyal User – a loyal user. There are different interpretations of this term; some understand by them those who have launched the downloaded application three or more times.. 

MAU (Monthly Active Users) – the number of unique users who have logged into the application at least once during the month.

NFS (network file system) is a technology that allows you to transfer files to devices that are part of a local area network (LAN). 

Offerwall – literally translates as “wall of offers”, in Russian it is often called simply “offer”. In fact, it means one of the ways to monetize non-paying users who are invited to perform several actions to get some product for free. As a result, the advertiser pays the advertising platform if the action is performed.

User Acquisition Cost – the purchase price of a loyal user. The resulting number indicates how much the advertiser needs to spend on advertising in order to acquire one loyal user. 

User Lifetime Value is how much the user is expected to spend on the application for the entire time of its use.

User Retention – user retention. Some people call it art without any irony. The level of user retention is determined by the quality of the project and is raised by regular updates.   

If you do not agree with some definition or in practice have encountered the use of one of the terms in a different meaning, but still in the context of mobile applications, write in the comments. And, of course, we are ready to add to the list!
