Millennial presented a report for the 2nd quarter of 2013 on mobile devices. Recall that the company publishes statistics of market leaders on the number of advertising views from them.

The change in the market was reflected in the name of the former “Top 20 phones”, the new title of the rating – “Top 20 devices” – made it possible to include tablets in this list, along with smartphones and mobile phones. Thanks to this innovation, Apple took three of the top 4 places: in addition to the iPhone, the iPod touch and iPad are now on the Millennial Media list.

Samsung Galaxy S, as in the previous quarter, takes 2nd place. The top ten devices also include other devices from Samsung: Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note.

At the same time, Motorola and HTC slightly lost their positions, dropping to the 12th and 15th lines of the rating, respectively; and Amazon debuted with its Kindle Fire, which took 8th place.

Apart from replenishing the top with new types of devices, the rest of the Millennial methodology has remained unchanged. The cumulative share of advertising views with Apple increased by 3 points – 39.3%, but Samsung’s share decreased slightly, nevertheless, the company gained 26.1% and retained second place. LG is followed by HTC, which took 5th place, which means that there was a change of positions between quarters. The latter can be explained by the fact that HTC One has not gained much popularity among users. The reasons for Apple’s rise are more mysterious, usually the release of new devices contributes to this, but neither in the first nor in the second quarter of 2013 were there any new products on iOS.

According to the number of views from the OS, the share of iOS has also increased. Apple gained an additional 8%, while Android’s share increased by only 5%. According to Millennial data regarding tablets, the number of advertising views from them continues to grow. And this is good news for Apple, which is the leader of this market and thus will be able to increase the share of views from iOS. The share of Android has also increased. But Windows and BlackBerry were less lucky, the number of views from both operating systems decreased, which is quite natural, given the growing popularity of tablet devices. Compared to last year, the share of advertising views from BlackBerry decreased by 2 times.

Devices based on iOS remain the unchanged leader of tablet devices, respectively, the iPad occupies the first place in this top. Android devices gained 44%, almost the same as last quarter. Google Nexus 10 has significantly strengthened its position, while the Nexus 7 accounts for the same 7% as in the first quarter. The next Millennial report will show whether the new Nexus 7 will be able to increase these figures.

As for the regions, Samsung’s share of views in the EMEA region increased by an impressive 13% (from 18% to 31%), while Apple was able to add only 1% (to 42%). However, in the Asia-Pacific region, the share of iOS has risen from 23% to 34%. Android lost 4% compared to last year (and now its share is 60%), the same fate befell BlackBerry. Windows has almost completely disappeared from the map.

Accordingly, the main change is in the devices that Millennial now counts. With regard to mobile device advertising, tablets have formed a very important category, and it is quite natural that Millennial now cites their statistics along with the indicators of the “veterans” of the market – mobile phones. In addition, this approach much more clearly reflects the reasons for Apple’s dominant position in the number of advertising views among mobile device manufacturers. Earlier, Millennial statistics included only a single iPhone as the only representative of Apple devices.

