Today, girls spend almost as much on electronics as representatives of the strong half of humanity; the Tiny Tower game, developed by only three people, has crossed the threshold of 10 million downloads.

Girls love gadgets

Fragile female creatures in recent years have become interested in electronics and spend more on it. 

According to a recent study by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the number of girls interested in gadgets is growing rapidly. According to the collected data, 8 out of 10 girls surveyed are interested in consumer electronics. 41% of them described themselves as “very interested” in this issue. This is 10% more than in 2007, when a similar study was last conducted. 

Moreover, it turned out that girls spend slightly less than guys on gadgets per year. If five years ago the difference was $ 200, then in 2011 it was only $ 67: men for 12 months, on average, “squander” $ 728 on electronics, and women “only” $ 667. 

It is clear that consumer electronics is not only smartphones and tablets, however, it is also them, too. The figures given above indicate the growth of the female audience, who is already an active user of mobile applications, and who, among other things, it is necessary to focus on when developing mobile games today.

The next milestone of the Tiny Tower game

The Nimblebit project is popular with everyone: Apple, journalists, Zynga and, judging by the number of downloads, even players.

Since Apple awarded Tiny Tower the title of the best iPhone game of 2011 in December, the name of the Nimblebit creation has not left the news pages. The past week, for example, was marked by criticism of companies engaged in cloning game mechanics. One of the main actors turned out to be Tiny Tower, whose mechanics were adopted by Zynga in its new project Dream Heights.  

A couple of weeks before, the topic of high revenues of free-to-play applications was raised, including by us, whose revenues, we recall, reached the $1 billion mark by the end of 2011. Tiny Tower and its creators also distinguished themselves that time, noting that 5% of players invest an average of $ 10 in the game. 

Against this background, it is difficult to get around the next news concerning this managerial sim for managing a skyscraper. So, according to Nimblebit, the number of Tiny Tower downloads has surpassed the 10 million downloads mark. Zynga, apparently, can only bite its nails with envy. 

Recall that the iOS version of the game was released in June 2011. Both the developer and the publisher of the project was a small team of NimbleBit, consisting of three people. Tiny Tower is their third project. The previous one – Pocket Frogs – also gained wide popularity. 
