Korean publisher Gamevil plans to become a major player in the global mobile entertainment market. The corporation is going to invest about $130 million dollars in companies, projects and talented developers around the world. 

$80 million of this amount was obtained through the placement of the publisher’s shares on the stock market, and the remainder is its investment capital.

Gamevil already has departments in the USA, Korea, Japan and China, but the publisher also plans to gain a foothold in Europe, South America and Southeast Asia. Koreans expect that the purchase of local development companies will speed up localization processes and allow the release of games in new markets without delay. 

The publishing house has a successful experience of cooperation with local social networks (with Kakao in Korea and with LINE in Japan), which brought Gamevil more than 260 million downloads on iOS and Android. Whether it will work with similar international and European platforms is still unclear. 

A source: pocketgamer.biz
