We thought a little about why we need games “based on movies”, and at the same time we remembered that a game about Riddick’s adventures will soon appear on the App Store.

Two years ago, the very fact of the appearance of a mobile game based on the film was considered something unusual. Today, no more or less noticeable picture can do without an application. A blockbuster comes out, and after it (or simultaneously, or, as in the case of Turbo, long before the premiere) a game “based on motives”. 

This is a great model, beneficial to both developers and studios. The former get a solid user base without spending a cent on promotion, and Hollywood bosses increase their presence in the media sphere and gain an additional source of profit. 

Previously, the “big” industry worked on a similar model. But against the background of a decline in consumer activity caused by many factors (the consoles of the current generation are going down in history, and the new ones have not yet come out, the ways of content distribution are changing, there is an increase in development costs with a drop in revenue from games), this model is gradually being abandoned on consoles and PCs. 

A calm step into the mobile presentHowever, this does not apply to the mobile segment, which is currently in its heyday.

Therefore, film studios interested in being present on additional entertainment platforms are forced to go to the mobile market. 

One Race Films, owned by actor Vin Diesel, is just one of them. Not so long ago, her picture “Riddick” was released, the third film about the adventures of a bald killer from the planet “Bay of Butchers”, a budget continuation of a good budget fantasy series. And it is clear that the studio wanted to accompany its new film with a game. 

But there is one “but”: inexpensive projects (the budget of the film is $ 38 million) are rarely accompanied by game adaptations. One Race Films didn’t stop it. The other day, the studio announced that the “thieves” action Riddick is ready for release: The Merc Files.

Given the not very good box office results of the third part (and, to be honest, the second), such a great desire may surprise if you do not know about one important circumstance. 

The New Riddick Game looks creepy In 2004, simultaneously with the premiere of the second picture about Riddick, the console game The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was released, very warmly received by critics.

It was developed by the gaming division of One Race Films – Tigon Studios and the independent Swedish studio Starbreeze Studios.

Nine years later, almost in the same composition, Tigon Studios and Gaming Corps, founded by former executive directors of Starbreeze Studios, developed a mobile game, in general, about the same thing: about Riddick hiding in the shadows, who cuts the throats of opponents. The release of the hardcore game, which will take place this Friday, is unlikely to affect the box office, but in any case, One Race Films will definitely earn something on the project for a cult brand in narrow circles.

In this regard, we had a question: what is the situation with mobile game adaptations from domestic studios? Has anyone offered their services to Russian distributors? 
