Another news from Unity 2013. Facebook has launched a new SDK that solves a number of problems of porting Unity games to the social platform.

According to Facebook representatives, now a game made on the Unity engine can be launched much easier and faster within the social network. Moreover, developers can write a project in C# and run it as, attention, a Facebook application on iOS, Android or on the web.

Thus, the word “porting”, if we are talking about Unity, generally goes down in history. It will be enough for developers to upload the game to the necessary platform – and that’s it. 

Yes, there is also a sharing function directly through the project. That is, if a user wants to share an achievement and clicks on the share button, he is not thrown out of the application to demonstrate a separate window.

It was also stated that the loading time of Unity applications on Facebook has been seriously reduced. 

The number of monthly active players on Facebook now stands at 260 million. The number of gamers who have installed the Unity plugin among Zuckerberg’s network users is 90 million.

A source: venturebeat.comIn the picture: Pirate MMO Rampant Piracy is also done on Unity
