The first eight parts of the famous Dragon Quest role-playing series, also known in the USA as Dragon Warrior, will appear on mobile devices. This became known yesterday according to official representatives of Square Enix.

The first part of Dragon Quest will be released before the end of this year. It will be followed with a certain break by other series. Considering that the Japanese published Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy V on the mobile market with an interval of six months, then perhaps they will adhere to the same strategy with regard to Dragon Quest. 

It is still unclear how much the games will cost. The price for Final Fantasy V is currently $15.99. Considering that Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VI appeared on the Nintendo DS, it is hardly worth expecting that the price tag for their mobile versions will be lower than for the “finalok”.

Final Fantasy VWhether the Japanese publisher is going to redraw the first parts of Dragon Quest, which were released on the NES (Dragon Quest was released in 1986), and at the moment looking, to put it mildly, archaic, is also questionable.


Curiously, outside of the first eight parts, Square Enix also plans to publish a spin-off of Dragon Quest Monsters and Dragon Quest X this winter, which was released on Wii a year ago.

Dragon Quest XSo far, everything about Dragon Quest is relevant only for the Japanese market.

But, most likely, these projects will also reach the world markets. 
