How exactly the user ratings of applications in the App Store are interconnected with the tops, the other day the company Appurify told on the pages of its blog. 

For analysis, the company’s specialists took a thousand top applications. 62 turned out to be paid, 590 allowed to make IAP.

Of these, more than half had at least 4.5 stars. 75% had at least 4 stars. 

In other words, if you want your application to be at least in the top 1000, then it must have at least 4 points. 

What do I need to do for this?

Fix bugs and make updates, according to Appurify. 

More than half of the negative reviews, accompanied by 1 star, are shoals with performance.

The application slows down, takes a long time to load, crashes? After that, the players are not lazy and put one point. 

So releasing an unpolished project is more expensive for yourself. 

Another thing is that the ratings of the current version affect the search results more than the rating for all versions at once. So there is always a chance to rectify the situation. 

But the release of an update can not only improve, but also worsen the results of the application. 

Appurify cites the situation with Instagram as an example. After the update was released on August 16, the app’s rating dropped by one and a half stars due to numerous complaints about brakes and crashes (they were related to the introduction of new video functionality). 

The reverse situation happened with . After the release of the new version, in which problems with low performance were solved, the rating of the application increased by two stars. 

It was also found that for applications with a high rating, reviews are written more often. The difference between programs with 4 stars and 4.5 stars is especially noticeable.

This means that even half a star matters, it can affect the activity of your users. 

But the most important question remains – how much do ratings affect the position of the application in the top?

To do this, Appurify divided the top thousand applications into three groups: top 300, top 300 to 600 places, top below 600. Then the company began to observe how the number of ratings and reviews affect the position in the top.

The sign below shows that the activity of rating depends on the position in the top and the rating itself. In other words, the higher the position in the top gets, the more important the rating becomes. 

Summing up:

  • 75% of the top 100 apps are apps from 4 stars and above;
  • Testing the project today is a necessity; 
  • No less, thorough testing of each update is necessary;
  • High-rated apps attract more attention (more reviews and more ratings);
  • The difference between 4 “stars” and 4.5 is significant;
  • Ratings and positions in the top are interrelated. The higher the applications in the top, the more important the evaluation of the application.

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