“Kupertinovtsy” demand to increase the size of the fine for patent infringement by the Korean giant Samsung by $ 707 million” 

Recall that at the end of August, the Federal Court of California found Samsung Electronics guilty of violating six Apple patents and ordered to pay compensation in the amount of $ 1 billion. 

Last Friday, according to The Wall Street Journal, both companies appealed to the court with a request for a new review of the patent infringement case. Samsung demands to reduce the amount of the fine levied and hold a new hearing, and Apple has taken the initiative to increase compensation by another $ 707 million. Recall that even at the first hearing, Apple initially demanded a fine of $2.5 billion from Samsung.

Apple’s statement describes the components of the additional amount: about $535 million – for “repeated and deliberate” violations in the field of design, about $121 million – as compensation for the forced partial suspension of sales during the trial and $50 million – as compensation for legal costs. Apple hopes that Samsung will pay compensation by December 31 this year.

In addition to the increase in the fine, Apple demands to ban the sale of 26 Samsung mobile devices in the United States, which use patented technologies and the design of “Apple” devices.

In turn, Samsung believes that the Cupertinos, in principle, overestimated the compensation for all violations and losses incurred and the amount of the fine should be about $35 million (only 50 times less than Apple requires).

Moreover, at the moment Samsung itself is preparing a counterclaim against Apple, intending to accuse Apple of violating a patent for the use of LTE technology. In this patent dispute, the Korean company plans to include, among other things, the recently released iPhone 5.

A new hearing to consider applications to change the amount of the fine is scheduled for December 6. 
