The top ten paid gaming apps for iPhone and iPad in the last week of summer did not bring anything interesting. Old names still prevail, there are few young projects, and those that exist are very suspicious. But Gameloft once again demonstrates how to use the price reduction correctly. 


In the first place is still the latest hit from Disney – Where’s My Perry? The company named after the artist Walt proved that if you change one cute hero to another, the game, which will soon turn a year old, will turn into an original project that collects cash and love. 

In second place are the cheerful space birds from Angry Birds Space. As you can see, despite the fact that some users and certainly almost all developers are tired of admiring the Angry Birds phrases in the tops, the army of fans of the franchise (and soon, for sure, a full-fledged cultural phenomenon) is only growing. 

The third line in the chart is N.O.V.A. 3, which has been in the top 5 paid iPhone games since Friday. Last Thursday, the game occupied the 244th position. She made such a heroic leap thanks to the price reduction from $6.99 to $0.99. 

Draw Something used the same strategy in order to be in fifth place. Last Saturday, the game was on the not so prestigious 68th place of the American hit parade.

From the strange: some wind brought a Minecraft clone to the top of paid applications (the original is in the top in the fourth position) – Mooncraft: Build Blocks. The game with a rating of 1 point (162 users rated it this way) is in seventh place in the top. It costs $1.99, which is probably what gullible users who have regretted Minecraft – Pocket Edition $6.99 are pecking at.  

The same wind brought R-Tech Commander Colony, a real-time strategy from Noumena for $0.99 and IAP to the top. How such a budget–looking project broke into the top secret, at least, with seven seals. 


The ranking of paid iPad apps in the first three key positions is almost identical. Only the “birds” are in third, not second place. N.O.V.A. 3, respectively, in second, not third. 

Last year’s Gangstar Rio: City of Saints from the ubiquitous Gameloft, after reducing the price from $6.99 to $0.99, as well as in the case of N.O.V.A. 3 and Draw Something, jumped a lot – from 172 places to 6. 

If we talk about new products, then here, except PITFALL! there is nothing from Activison, which is located in the eighth position. You can see this for yourself by looking at the table below. 
