Together with our industry colleagues, we continue to summarize the results of 2013. This article contains an interview with RJ Games.

The questions were answered by the Business Development Director of RJ Games Anastasia Perina.

Anastasia Perina

What event/trend would you call the key event in the outgoing year in the mobile applications and games industry?

Just like the social gaming market at the time, the mobile market shows a tendency to grow up. Large developers who are able to purchase or surpass large volumes of traffic are crowding indie and small studios, which today can only rely on feature or title recognition. Among other things, the dominance of the free-2-play model means that within the mobile market, success awaits those who treat game development primarily as a business.

What would you call the main event for your company this year?

The main event (apart from moving to a new office) is, of course, the release of our two projects. "Hell!" and "Crisis!" are games that combine active gameplay and an urban planning simulator, and in "Crisis!" PvP battles take place in realtime. It is especially pleasant that both projects were favorably received not only by the players, but also by colleagues in the workshop. "Inferno!" won the "Best Gameplay" award at the FlashGamm Moscow 2013 conference, and "Crisis!" won the "Best Social Game" at the DevGAMM Kiev 2013 conference. At the same time, the total number of registered users in our games has exceeded 16 million people, which is also another milestone.

Please name one or two games (not from your company) that you can call the best projects on mobile platforms based on the results of the outgoing year.

The best game is an abstract and very subjective concept. If we evaluate the projects in terms of the fascination of the gameplay, the study of the world and the setting, then I can single out the game from Rovio Stars – Tiny Thief. That's where you feel the love for every detail, attention to detail, to every sound, screen and character.

From a business point of view, it cannot be denied that 2013 was the year of Clash of Clans. It doesn't matter what circumstances helped this project become an industry leader, the main thing is that Supercell managed to make a hit that captured the world's tops, which means they are winners, and they are on a horse, no matter what anyone says.
