Founded by Chris Roberts, the Cloud Imperium studio continues to raise money for the development of the MMO cosmosim Star Citizen and its singleplayer offshoot.

The other day it became known that the company has attracted an additional $ 17.25 million of investments for the development. And this is with a discount received by companies that invested $46 million in Cloud Imperium last year. It’s about Calder Family Office, Snoot Entertainment and ITG Investment.

According to the press release, as a result of the transaction, there were no changes in the board of directors. Everyone stays in their places, including Roberts, who became famous in the early 90s with the Wing Commander and Freelancer series.

In total, to date, Star Citizen has raised, including funds received from crowdfunding, $ 340 million. This is a record amount by the standards of the video game industry. Previously, no game has collected such funds from third-party investors for development.

The game itself has been in development since 2011. Its initial release was planned for 2014. However, the project is still in development, which is accompanied by constant scandals and litigation.

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