The British studio Jagex, known for RuneScape, has changed its owner. A Chinese group of companies sold it along with another asset to an American fund. The deal cost the Americans $530 million.


According to Plutos Holding, the seller was the Fukong Interactive group.

In January last year, it planned to sell 100% of Jagex shares and 100% of Hongtou Network (Honk Kong) shares. Both companies were “daughters” of Shanghai Hongtou Network Technology, which, in turn, is owned by Fukong*.

* Shortly after the acquisition of Jagex Studio, its owners came under the control of the Chinese gaming company Zhongji Holding. The full story can be read here.

As a result, as reported by, both assets of Shanghai Hongtou Network ended up in the portfolio of Macarthur Fortune, an American holding company. He paid for the purchase through his Platinum Fortune fund.

The following is known about the future of Jagex:

  • She will continue to be based in Cambridge;
  • the new owner will invest in its development. Macarthur Fortune is ready to invest in marketing and further development of RuneScape to grow its audience.

RuneScape is one of the oldest MMORPGs. Next January, she will celebrate her 20th anniversary. Initially, it was released as a browser title, but now it is also available in early access on Google Play.

Let’s add that by 2018, the base of the game had 250 million users.

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