Finnish studio Supercell has announced the full localization of Clash of Clans into Japanese. About this, as well as about whether the cross-promo with GungHo will help the game to rise in the box office top of Japan – in our material.

After yesterday’s Clash of Clans update, Japanese language support has appeared in the game. The moment, in principle, is well understood. The other day, Supercell starts a cross-promotion with GungHo: Clash of Clans characters will appear in Puzzle & Dragons, and Japanese battler ads will appear in the games of the Finnish company. 

It now occupies the 39th position in the box office chart of iPhone apps and the 11th place in the similar chart for iPad.

Nikita Lyubimov, a representative of the Japanese company WillArk in Russia, told us that both companies will definitely grow in Top Grossing. But at the same time, according to him, “it is difficult to predict specific results.” 

In his experience, cross-promo helps “to give up to 60% of transitions from the current DAU on the first day, around 30% on the second, and then with a decrease. In general, you can get a big increase in the audience in a week.” 

To our question about whether Clash of Clans will be able to enter the top three box office projects in Japan, Nikita replied that it was “fortune-telling on coffee grounds.” In the sense that we do not know the current performance of the game in Japan. 

According to his forecast, the Finnish project may well rise to ten positions in the box office top of Japan.
