The presentation “VKontakte Mobile Advertising” has leaked to the network, from it you can find out not only what future banners will look like, but also the segmentation of social network traffic by platforms and its demographics, according to which women prevail in the mobile version of VK.

Our colleagues from “Zuckerberg will call” have already found out that the presentation is quite official, and not fake fans of the platform. You can study it.

Everyone is already used to advertising apps on Facebook. From September (most likely, from the middle of it), users of the mobile version of the VK application will also have to put up with it. It will look something like this:


But this is for those applications that are integrated with the VK gaming platform. As far as you can tell from the pictures from SiliconRus, advertising for other applications looks a little different:

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But the most interesting thing, of course, is not this. We were pleased with the information on traffic segmentation.

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As you can see, VK still remains primarily a “desktop platform”.

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Moreover, the MAU indicators demonstrate this more clearly.

As for the popularity of mobile platforms among VK users, then, without surprises, Android prevails – 16.1 million users per day versus 7.9 million for iOS.

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In both cases, people prefer to access their favorite grid from smartphones.

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In terms of demography, we found the following fact very interesting (which we put in the title): VK is preferred mainly by women. Moreover, the largest social group of the network is women from 25 to 34 years old.

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We suggest reading the full version of the presentation just below.

Photo: http://www.imcreator.com

VKontakte is one of the largest social networks in Russia. Launched in October 2006 as a network for students. Today it has more than 250 million registered users.
