So, White Nights has begun. You can find out how it is progressing by visiting our Twitter page.

What is radically different about the current Wnconf is its gigantic scope. A huge exhibition area, as many as three streams in large halls. The mood is also different. If previous conferences were distinguished by a cozy home atmosphere, today everyone is more attuned to work, business, and closer communication in this regard.

By now, Pavel Ryakkonen, Distribution Director of Nevosoft, has already held lectures in Hall A, where he spoke about the need for segmentation in the modern market. Choosing your niche is the key thing,” Pavel believes.

Chris Williams from Big Fish told how not to make an f2p game today. He also said that gambling projects taught the company a lot. Yes, there is a big difference between builders and casinos, but still, in terms of monetization, they are close to many.

Ian Mizuka from Wooga released information according to which mobile cross-linking increased conversion by 2.7 times.

These and many other figures and data can be found from our Twitter!
