The service for creating streaming videos Kamcord said that it has more users than Twitch, writes GameBeat.

The company claims that 1.3 million users used its video creation service over the previous month. Twitch, this figure is slightly more modest – 1 million. Kamcord supplies a plugin that iOS and Android game developers can add to their products.

“During the existence of Kamcord, users have created 25 million videos with its help,” said Aditya Rathnam, co-founder of the company. All Kamcord games have consistently been in demand on the App Store.”



GAMEBEATRethnem noted that as soon as games start using the company’s streaming service, their user engagement rates grow.

The co-founder of Kamcord also said that the company has recently updated its SDK, and therefore is now the first streaming video service that supports the new Apple Metal graphics standards.
