Marcin Iwiński, co-founder of CD Projekt RED, explained why the release of Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be so problematic, and outlined the game’s development plan.

Cyberpunk 2077 was released on December 10 for PS4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC. But if the PC version of the title was still tolerable, then the console version caused a lot of indignation from the gaming community due to countless bugs, low performance and other things that prevent full play.

Ivinsky tried to explain what happened in a five-minute video. We chose the main thing from the speech:

  • the entire responsibility for the raw release of Ivinsky is assumed by the board director of CD Projekt RED, and also asks not to blame the developers directly for anything;
  • the authors of Cyberpunk 2077 understood that the title would be difficult to develop due to its scale, many special systems and mechanics. The studio hoped to “pull out” this for both PC and consoles — including the last generation. But the task turned out to be more difficult than expected;

Marcin Ivinsky

Co-founder of CD Projekt RED

  • tests of the game on consoles of the old generation did not reveal the problems that gamers later encountered;
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has become another obstacle for the creators of Cyberpunk 2077. Lockdown took the necessary time and complicated many familiar processes;
  • Ivinsky explained the situation with the lack of reviews for the console version of the game before sales began by saying that the developers were engaged in improving the console version until the last moment, so the keys for its reviews were sent only on December 8 — much later than originally planned;

We started sending out keys for reviews of the PC version of the game in early December. On the release day, December 10, we immediately received very good reviews for the PC version. And even if this version of Cyberpunk 2077 is not perfect, but we are very proud of it. While the codes on the PC were sent out, we continued to work hard to improve the quality of the game on the consoles of the last generation. Each additional day of work on the zero-day update brought visible improvements.

Marcin Ivinsky

Co-founder of CD Projekt RED

  • CD Projekt RED promises to release a fresh update for Cyberpunk 2077 within the next 10 days. Another, larger patch will appear in a few more weeks;
  • the studio is still going to release free DLC, but Ivinsky is in no hurry to name any dates. According to him, now the Cyberpunk 2077 team intends to focus on fixing bugs;
  • also, Ivinsky does not know when the game will return to the PS Store;
  • native support for the Xbox Series and PlayStation 5 will not appear until the second half of 2021.

Ivinsky’s statement has already caused a lot of negative emotions among the players. They are mostly dissatisfied with the long wait for the next release of Cyberpunk 2077 and the “weak” excuses of the CD Projekt RED team.

