Last month, many employees of the Lab Zero Games studio left the company after its founder was accused of harassment. Now the developer has fired the rest of the team and has not yet paid them compensation.Animator Jonathan Kim, who worked on Indivisible and Skullgirls, told about the dissolution of the Lab Zero Games team.

On his Twitter, he drew attention to a post by a former colleague of Marial Cartwright — she was selling her sketchbooks to raise funds to help colleagues who were out of work.

It turned out that the founder of the company Mike Zaimont (Mike Zaimont) cut all remaining employees at the end of August. At that time, 11 people remained to work in Lab Zero Games. At the same time, Zaymont has not yet paid them an allowance.

“This decision was not easy for me,— said Zaymont. “I know how difficult it is to look for a job in a poorly functioning economy, but right now we have more debt than money in our account.”

In a letter dated August 25, Mike assured former employees that they would soon receive information about compensation and insurance payments for September.

The founder of Lab Zero Games also stated that he is currently looking for additional sources of funding to bring back employees. However, given the recent scandals, many may not want to work under him again.

In August, several girls and former employees complained about the inappropriate behavior of Zaymont. Despite people’s discontent and a large number of accusations against him, the developer did not make a public apology and refused to leave the company.

At the same time, the publisher Autumn Games, which owns the rights to Skullgirls, promises to continue supporting the fighting game and release new content together with former Lab Zero Games collaborators.

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