The Subspace startup is preparing to launch its own service for online titles and metaverses. It is designed to help improve the stability of the Internet connection and help companies attract a new audience to their games. The Subspace service will officially launch on November 16 and will work in 60 countries.Photo: Subspace

In an interview with VentureBeat, Subspace CEO Bayan Towfiq noted that his team managed to create the fastest, most stable and secure network for Internet applications.

The company claims that it will be able to provide a stable connection to 400 million people. Now Subspace services are already used by gaming companies with hundreds of millions of active users. However, the names of the clients have not yet been disclosed.

How does the Subspace solution work?Subspace solution is a network of private servers that allow you to bypass the limitations of the modern Internet.

In particular, the service is designed to help solve the problem with routing, when Internet packets need to be redirected between different infrastructures with minimal delay.

Most of all, such a system can be useful for multiplayer games. According to the developers, Subspace is a kind of parallel Internet that allows gaming companies to “bypass problematic traffic and create fast and high—speed routes.”

The solution proposed by the company works according to the network-as-a-service (NaaS) model. With the help of cloud technologies and artificial intelligence, Subspace provides productive proxy servers necessary for the functioning of Internet applications and games in real time.

According to the company, customers do not need to purchase additional equipment or make changes to the program code. Simply connect to the Subspace network.

Thus, the service primarily helps to deal with lags, packet loss and other Internet connection problems. According to Subspace, its solution reduces delays by 80%.

In theory, this will make online gaming much more accessible, as it will help companies attract an audience from regions with slow and not the most stable Internet connection to multiplayer games.

Subspace ModelWhat do metaverses have to do with it?

According to Tofik, due to the quality and speed of the modern Internet, it is not yet possible to create a full-fledged metaverse.

It will be possible to realize this concept only with the help of private networks and cloud solutions that will be available worldwide.

Subspace intends to solve this problem. Venture capitalist Matthew Ball, who previously formed the seven distinctive features of the metaverse, has already believed in the company.

According to him, one of the constraining factors on the way to the implementation of this concept is delays. When watching a video on YouTube, a person notices a problem with pressing the play button only after 200-250 ms. With multiplayer games, everything is much more complicated — many of them become unplayable with a delay of over 150 ms.

According to Subspace, reducing or increasing the delay by just 10 ms can, on average, increase or decrease weekly game time by 6%. The company also notes that today about a quarter of all Internet connections in Europe and the USA are not suitable for dynamic online titles. No other business, except gaming, faces these problems.

With its solution, Subspace intends to provide a stable and affordable connection around the world. This will allow companies to realize their ambitions to create real metaverses. After all, they will be able to fully function only if everyone can get access to them.
