
Skillz company has paid more than $2 million to players since the beginning of the year, – the Venturebeat resource reports.

Skillz allows smartphone users to participate in cyber tournaments and receive real money for winning. Every day, with its help, up to 100 thousand duels are held in games of various genres, such as Survival Run with Bear Grylls.

The company’s management reported not only on the amount of money paid, but also shared information about its audit: it is “almost half” consists of women.

Besides it:

  • 38% of players are married;
  • almost 30% are parents;
  • 65% of the players are between the ages of 25 and 44;
  • more than 300 players – over 60 years old;
  • almost half have graduated from college.

“Our credo, “Esports for Everyone,” is not just a beautiful slogan,” said Skillz Executive Director Andrew Paradise. – We are proud that we managed to create such a diverse and active community of players. Everyone likes to compete <…>. Esports should not become a purely male occupation, and we are glad that we are doing our part to ensure that the industry stops being so selective.”



VENTUREBEATOther materials on the topic:

Skillz is an online platform that allows you to play non-gambling games for money. It can be integrated into iOS and Android games. The trial launch of the service under the name Lookout Gaming in North America took place in 2012.Photo source:

