We continue to summarize the results of 2021 together with top managers and experts of the gaming industry (and related ones). Next up is an interview with Kirill Perevozchikov, the founder of the White Label PR agency.

How did 2021 go for the company?We have worked a lot with large businesses: we helped tinyBuild to launch an IPO (publications increased investor interest), announced Makers Fund deals, talked about new Coda Payments partners.

Our main achievement this year is the fact that we were able to grow a strong B2B direction. Now they come to us for publications in TechCrunch and VentureBeat.

Separately, I want to brag about working with indie teams and startups from the USA: Parsec, Gaggle Studios and, of course, The Games Band. The latter made Blaseball — an incredible text-based online horror disguised as a baseball simulator. In Russia, interest in the genre is limited, but in the West we have made dozens of publications in the top media.

What event or trend of 2021 do you consider central within your niche?Thanks to the pandemic, the venture capital market was flooded with money, which made our work about ten times more difficult.

Journalists have to wade through hundreds of announcements every day, so it has become much more important to maintain personal relationships with authors and editors. Do you want to hire a cool professional? Check which journalists are reading it on Twitter.

It’s a bit of a pity that in terms of games, the year turned out to be a passing one. I liked Deathloop, and Metroid Dread is waiting for me to pass it. But last year I got a lot more high from The Last of Us Part II and Cyberpunk 2077.

What will be the stake in the development of the company in 2022?The team’s growth will continue next year.

It is not easy to find specialists in the USA and the UK, but we have learned how to do it.

We will add to our standard scope work with bloggers — both paid and “for love”. And we will also start doing game PR in Asia. We have already launched Korea, Japan is next in line.

Finally, in January, we will raise prices. Unfortunately, inflation in the US market has not bypassed us either.
