We continue to summarize the results of 2021 together with top managers and experts of the gaming industry (and related ones). Next up is an interview with Samvel Aramyan, head of the Chameleon 42 outsourcing studio.How did 2021 go for the company?

We are growing very rapidly.

2021 for Chameleon 42 is a new breakthrough. During this year, we managed to double our turnover, and in relation to 2019 – by five times. For us, 2021 was the year of perestroika. 80% of orders were taken by large-scale projects, which also confirms the growth of the company. We have switched to permanent cooperation with most of our customers. We have built a new structure, opened many new departments, and prepared the ground for 2022.

Growth for us is not only profit, but also people. Many companies talk about a friendly atmosphere and a close-knit team. We managed to realize this not only in words. Chameleon 42 is not just a company, but a big and friendly family. The team is growing as fast as the area of our office. We changed it twice this year. We waited for the first move like rain after a drought. First, everyone was shocked by the covid, then its new waves. When everything calmed down, we managed to rent a nice office with a panoramic view. We stayed in it for a while. Literally two months later, absolutely all the jobs were occupied, and we had to look for something more spacious. I didn’t have to go far. We found a new office in the same building, only three times bigger.

In 2021, I decided that we needed a partner. This would allow us to develop and grow even faster. And it’s not about the company that will buy us, but about the partner. On the one hand, he should support us and help us, and on the other — not to affect the independence of Chameleon 42. There were quite a lot of offers to buy, but luck smiled once about the partnership. In August, we met with Dima Morozov and realized that we wanted to move forward together.

We can safely say that 2021 was the year of global change. Further — more!

What event or trend of 2021 do you consider central within your niche?The outsourcing market has increased significantly in terms of orders in recent years.

And the transition of many companies to remote has accelerated and strengthened this trend. I think this trend will continue, as the transformation that has happened has allowed us to remove barriers from customers. Some decided on their first orders, others significantly increased the share of external performers. This experience has definitely proved to the market the effectiveness of project execution through outsourcing.

What will be the stake in the development of the company in 2022?The plans for the year are to increase the company’s turnover three times.

We plan to increase the team in the same proportion. Another important task will be a tighter access to the foreign market. We are already beginning to assess the situation in the regions for employees and the possible opening of additional offices. We expect that 2022 will be a busy and generous year, if we talk about the amount of work that awaits us.
