Respawn Studio has inventively approached the internal testing of Apex Legends. The developers played with each other, taking fake names for this and combining into squads randomly.

According to them, this is how they tested the ping system for communication with their squadmates.

And it allowed us to feel the game for real. It’s amazing to see people who enjoy using the tag system!” wrote Respawn.

The tag system allows you to communicate with the squad without using voice chat. By the way, the creators of the game are massively thanked for it in the comments under the tweet, which scored 12 thousand likes. Many have stated that it is “literally the best ping system that exists in modern games.”

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The unexpected release of Apex Legends turned out to be very successful. During the first day, more than 2.5 million users played it. The peak of simultaneous online at that time was 600 thousand people. These figures were shared by the publisher Electronic Arts in its report for investors.

Respawn has already presented the roadmap of the game. They have four seasons planned for the first year, the first of which will start in March and the last in December. With each season, the developers will update the battle pass and add new content (characters, weapons, etc.).

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