Israeli Playtika will temporarily remove its employees and their family members from Belarus. The company denies the connection of these plans with the difficult political situation in the country.

Playtika has 568 employees in Belarus (according to; 300 people are listed on the developer’s website). The company’s large office is located in Minsk. Its head, Sergei Protasovsky, confirmed that this summer the regional staff of Playtika will travel abroad in full with their families.

It is known that employees will be taken out in three stages. The first group of people will be vacationing abroad from June 26 to July 16. The destination is Turkey.

The upcoming departure of Playtika, as the dev source, is associated with unrest due to the upcoming presidential elections. But the Minsk headquarters said that the team will rest from a long self-isolation.

“There is no connection with the elections. Playtika is a non—political organization,” Protasovsky said.

Playtika is a mobile developer. The company specializes in social casinos, such as Slotomania (the monthly income of the title reaches $ 20 million). She has been working since 2010 and has established 13 offices during this time. During the pandemic, it established humanitarian assistance for its employees in Israel and Eastern Europe.

The situation in Belarus has become tense on the eve of the presidential elections. There are reports of frequent detentions of civilians, and sometimes presidential candidates. The situation was covered in detail by the YouTube channel “Editorial Office”.

The new leader of Belarus will be elected on August 9.

P.S. In addition, problems with drinking water have begun in Minsk.

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