This is $19 million more than the game developers received in the same period from VKontakte.

Today, on January 23, the Odnoklassniki social network summed up the financial results of the year. She stated that she had paid 3.2 billion rubles to gaming companies over 12 months ($50.8 million, based on the weighted average rate for 2018).

Earlier, Odnoklassniki also revealed the earnings of developers of mobile HTML5 projects on their gaming platform. It was about 300 million rubles ($4.7 million), which are included in the amount announced today.

It is difficult to say exactly how much was spent by users on games in Odnoklassniki. The social network usually takes 50% of sales (although it does not officially disclose the proportion). However, in the first months, its share of sales of new mobile HTML5 projects may be 0%.

Anyway, the total annual revenue of games (taking into account the share of the platform) in Odnoklassniki can reach $ 100 million.

Representatives of the social network do not disclose how much their partners’ revenue has grown over the year. However, it is noted that the announced figure — 3.2 billion rubles — is more than the same for 2017. In other words, there was growth.

Odnoklassniki also shared the size of their gaming audience. In total, it has 17 million players on all platforms. This is 12.6% more than a year earlier. The main driver of growth is mobile, where by the end of the year the network had 9.1 million players.

Recall that at the end of last year, another social network owned by Mail.Ru Group, — “VKontakte”. Its annual payment to developers amounted to 2 billion rubles or $31.8 million.

Also on the topic:

  • VKontakte paid $31.8 million to game developers in 2018
  • Odnoklassniki named the most profitable games of the year on its platform
  • Odnoklassniki won’t let Flash games in anymore
