Honor of Kings is the most popular game in China. Until recently, its audience was 200 million users. But the players are starting to leave the title.

According to the research firm Analysys, the MAU of the mobile Honor of Kings (also known as Arena of Valor) has fallen by 34% since last year to 169 million users. This is reported by Abacus News.

Analysts called the restrictions introduced in 2018 the reason for the decline in the popularity of Honor of Kings. Chinese regulators worried that the game could cause addiction in teenagers, as well as negatively affect their eyesight. As a result, the publisher Tencent has limited the playing time for children to one hour a day, and for teenagers — two. Now players spend half as much time in the title.

Note that the MOBA genre itself, to which Honor of Kings belongs, is of less and less interest to Chinese players. According to the analysts’ report, MOBA is no longer in the first, but in the third place in the top popularity of mobile genres. At the same time, 98% of MOBA fans play Honor of Kings.

Now players in China are increasingly interested in mobile first-person shooters, as well as simulators, analysts write. But the time spent in games by Chinese gamers is gradually decreasing. In February, it decreased by 6.2% in annual terms.

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