Nevosoft Company, conference organizers White Nights Helsinki 2016, which will take place on February 11-12, 2016 in the capital of Finland, has compiled a horoscope for the next year. We share.


While everyone is summing up the results of the outgoing year, we present a game dev horoscope for all zodiac signs, which will help you plan 2016 better!


In the new year 2016, you will regularly come up with the concepts of new games, but in order for things to move beyond the idea, you will have to work hard. Rejoice in the problems at the beginning of the year, the end will be even more fun. It is better to plan the start of a new project at the beginning of July – just make sure that the team has time to go on vacation before that moment, otherwise their fatigue can greatly affect office retention.



Big and promising plans will arise for the Taurus in the new 2016 – many of them plan to be on the top lines of the box office top. It’s not a fact that it will work, but a few days in the top of the third world countries guarantee you stars. In March, Taurus will be seized by an irresistible craving for privacy – disconnect from the Internet, close Facebook and meditate. The result may well be some brilliant business idea.



The Year of the Monkey is a great opportunity for the Twins to understand where they are, with whom and, most importantly, why. New business acquaintances will be of great importance, especially those that will start at the beginning of the year in Helsinki, at the end of June in St. Petersburg and in October in Moscow. And finally pay attention to health – in 2016, try to drink no more than 10 liters of pure alcohol, then the engine will work clearly.



Changes are possible in your career: either they will be good or bad. Your task is to work hard anyway. By the middle of the year, there is a high probability of increasing the ARPU of your most successful game by 15%. Try to take a very pragmatic approach to the purchase of traffic; the results of purchases will be especially successful on odd days of odd months.



At the beginning of the new 2016, the Lions will have to go through some not very pleasant moments, which will be fully compensated by the further development of events. The total MAU of your projects will grow by at least 33% in a year, provided that you spend more time on community management. The stars also recommend changing passwords on all accounts.



Many business trips and lifestyle changes await you. The motto of the new year for Virgins should be three words: “Networking, networking, networking.” A sharp increase in communication and contacts with people on a professional basis is likely. When traveling to conferences, you can with a clear conscience not attend the business program – most importantly, come to all parties, including prepati.



This year will load you with work, deadlines will be submitted with great difficulty, builds will compile slowly. But in the second half of 2016, fame and recognition will finally come.


At about the same time, an unexpected drop in servers is possible, which, however, will not affect anything – users will not leave you for competitors, no matter what you do.


2016 promises you numerous trips to all directions of the world. It can be either just traveling or traveling to conferences. Jetlag in the year of the Monkey will be transferred surprisingly easily. This will allow Scorpions to perform a number of labor feats that will significantly increase the well-being of your company in 2017.



Your professional future for several years to come will depend on the events that will happen at White Nights Helsinki in the second week of February 2016. A few key people may change in the team, but it’s not a big deal – they will be replaced by even cooler specialists. The main thing is to watch carefully so that they do not replace you by the end of the year.



From February to August, fate will alternately turn to you, then in front, then the other side, but by autumn everything will settle down. Read more, especially App2Top – a good idea will come to mind when you least expect it.



In the new year 2016, try to stop teaching everyone around you and finally follow your own advice. There are no sharp turns in the fate, but it is likely that new features will appear, which at first will look like bugs. Business angels will be kind to you.



The stars recommend doing A/B testing and carefully analyzing the results. By the way, this approach will only work in games – in your personal life, try to rely more on improvisation. In May, popularity on social networks will suddenly come to you – do not get conceited and remember that likes do not put themselves, so maintain friendly relations with famous people in the industry.


Happy New Year!
