The authors of Empire Z apologized for copying Game of War and in the future will “remove game elements” from their own project. This will be the end of the conflict between Machine Zone studios and Ember Entertainment.


In April 2015, Machine Zone studio, the author of Game of War, sued Ember Entertainment. The subject of the lawsuit was the game Empire Z. Representatives of Machine Zone claimed that the title copied the Game of War, and demanded $ 100 million in compensation.

Machine Zone submitted a 26-page document to the court detailing the similarities between the two projects. So, it is mentioned that the game has the same goals, each project has a hero who becomes stronger and more powerful as the game progresses. In each game, the user must extract resources – food, wood and metal. Both there and there, players build a city and defend it from enemies.

Ember Entertainment, according to the Pirated Thoughts resource, filed a counterclaim, where it stated that Machine Zone copied the gameplay of the original from other games and that the listed elements are present in many games and do not fall under the copyright protection law.

Now it has become known that the companies have come to an agreement. It is not disclosed whether Ember Entertainment will pay the stated amount. However, in an official press statement, representatives of both companies report that Ember Entertainment admits its guilt, apologizes and will remove Game of War elements from Empire Z.

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