And he scored 1 million downloads in just one night.

Картинки по запросу apex legends

Apex Legends
The “battle royale” of Apex Legends has been released in Origin — a new project of Respawn studio in the Titanfall universe.

The announcement and release of the game took place simultaneously — yesterday, February 4.

The game was not reported at the presentations, and there was not a single teaser until yesterday. But all this was not needed: after 8 hours, the number of unique players in Apex Legends exceeded 1 million. This was announced by the head of Respawn Vince Zampella (Vince Zampella).

Thank you so much for taking part in this together with Respawn. You are amazing!” he wrote.

It was assumed that Electronic Arts is preparing for a major release of Anthem from BioWare, which will take place in two weeks. But even at the stage of the demo version, the title managed to anger VIP players and even briefly bring down the EA infrastructure.

Many people already associate Anthem with technical errors, crashes and endless loading screens. Definitely not the effect that EA was hoping for. Now, Apex Legends can pull the attention of part of the audience away from the problematic game service BioWare.

Картинки по запросу apex legends

Apex LegendsWhat is Apex Legends

  • A free-to-play action game available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. To play on a Microsoft console, a player needs Xbox Live Gold.
  • Battle royale for 60 players, which differs from its neighbors in the genre in that before the start of the match, the player chooses a hero with unique skills.
  • Another game in the Titanfall setting with mechanics from the second part of the series. Although one of the Titanfall chips — running on walls — was not added. But the hook-cat is available to the players again.
  • A project with microtransactions, which, according to the promises of Respawn and EA, will be cosmetic.

There are currently eight playable characters in Apex Legends. The player must unlock two of them for in-game currency. He will have to do the same with other heroes who will be added in the next few years.

What are Respawn’s plans

The studio will actively support the new game. On Titanfall 3 Respawn finally gave up. Kotaku previously wrote that the game was in development and was due to be released at the end of 2018. But it was canceled due to “outdated technical developments.”

Let’s add that Respawn also has a Jedi: Fallen Order game in the “Star Wars” universe. Vince Zampela confirmed its existence at last year’s E3.

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