Broadmedia Corp. She stated that she was going to transfer titles previously available only on consoles to smartphones and tablets. As a result, the company’s shares rose in price.Taro Hashimoto, Executive Director of the Taro Hashimoto Corporation, said that Broadmedia is ready to provide “cloud” technologies to game developers.


Thanks to them, the user will have the opportunity to play such titles as Assassin’s Creed or World Soccer: Winning Eleven on mobile devices. The management of the corporation promises that the graphics will be the same as on consoles or PCs; the user will be able to play the same project from different mobile devices.Hashimoto is confident that as soon as game developers understand what opportunities Broadmedia technologies provide, the quality and quantity of titles available to the user from the cloud will increase.

The news led to a dramatic increase in Broadmedia shares: their price increased by 28%.

Broadmedia Corp. Stock Growth Chart


By the way, Square Enix has already used the technologies offered by the corporation:

She not only launched the Dive In app, but also announced the creation of her own “cloud” gaming company called Shinra Technologies.In addition to cooperation with the developers of Broadmedia Corp.

he is going to create his own title. The game will be called Zoids Material Hunters and will be released next year.Hashimoto has not yet named the exact list of companies with which Broadmedia is negotiating.

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