The investigation of Jason Schreier about the development of Anthem has not gone unanswered by BioWare. He appeared in the studio blog 16 minutes after the publication of the material on Kotaku. BioWare’s response does not contain any theses challenging Schreier’s information. The comment was clearly prepared in advance, and the studio did not read the material itself.

Initially, BioWare and EA refused to comment to Schreier. But after the publication of the material, the creators of Anthem expressed confidence that such investigations divide the industry. According to the blog, the journalist sought not to evaluate the work of the creators of Anthem, but to denigrate specific team members, including managers.

As a studio and as a team, we accept all criticism regarding our games, especially from our players. The creative process is often very complex. Workers in this industry put so much effort and energy into creating something fun. We do not see the point in separating or dividing the results of our work. And we don't believe that articles that divide us make the industry itself or our craft better.

BioWare Official Statement

BioWare also claims that they take the health and well-being of their employees very seriously. But they do not give any arguments proving this. At the same time, the material on Kotaku says that many Anthem developers experienced a nervous breakdown and needed the help of doctors. This information came from 19 studio employees with whom Schreier spoke.

BioWare’s comment caused confusion in the press. The author of the investigation accused the studio of cowardice, but expressed hope that it would understand the value of incriminating materials.

«Чем больше я перечитываю ответ BioWare и думаю о нем, тем больше поражаюсь его трусости. Подготовка ответа еще до прочтения самого материала, нападки на журналиста за то, что он пишет правду о кризисе в студии… В это почти невозможно поверить», — пишет он.

Редакция The publication calls the reaction of BioWare “odious” and criticizes the attacks on gaming journalism.

If the superiority of BioWare is that the press should not hold them accountable, then perhaps the nightmare development of Anthem has taught them nothing.

From Polygon's open letter to BioWare

In addition, Polygon found inconsistencies in BioWare’s response regarding Schreier’s material. “Why do BioWare focus on criticism from the players when the topic of the investigation is working conditions in the studio?” the journalists ask.

Recall that the material on Kotaku is dedicated to seven years of the most complex development of Anthem. Schreier, relying on sources, claims that BioWare has faced all sorts of difficulties, including inept management, crunches, problems with the engine.

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