Bethesda introduced Orion streaming technology at E3. Its task is to simplify the streaming of games in various cloud services.

According to Rock Paper Shotgun, Orion is able to optimize game engines to work with any streaming services, including Google Stadia and Project xCloud. To do this, the developer must integrate the technology into his engine. She will allow:

  • reduce the response delay by 20%;
  • reduce network bandwidth by 40%, which is especially important for players with limited Internet traffic.

That is, Orion will remove or at least simplify two problems of streaming services at once. In addition, the technology will potentially reduce the minimum Internet speed threshold for the operation of gaming cloud platforms.

Thus, according to Bethesda, the integration of games into cloud services will become much faster, cheaper and easier. Players, thanks to Orion, will be able to save on traffic.

The head of the publishing department of Bethesda, James Altman, also promised that the distance of the player from streaming data centers will cease to matter. Games on optimized engines will be played in the cloud environment in maximum quality. Bethesda confirmed this fact right at the conference, demonstrating smooth streaming of Doom at 60 FPS on a mobile device.

On the eve of the release of Google Stadia and its like, Orion technology looks very relevant. Recall that Google promised support for 4K resolution and 60 FPS at the Stadia site, but this requires a connection speed of 35 Mbit/s. This speed is not available to all users.

Simultaneously with the announcement, Bethesda opened registration for free Orion testing. The first tests will be conducted only on iOS devices and separately from existing streaming platforms. You can register here.

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